Junior Squad

Our Junior Squad sessions are designed for all swimmers who have attained at least Swim England's Key Stage 7, from approximately 7 years onwards. The sessions give swimmers the opportunity to develop their swimming technique and to learn competitive swimming skills such as racing dives, turns, finishes and relay takeovers. 

The Junior Squad programme also complements other activities such as building general fitness and competing in other sports such as triathlons and water polo.

As a competitive swimming club, we do expect all Junior Squad swimmers to get involved in racing.  We offer introductory "Junior Galas" 4 times a year, enabling swimmers to learn racing skills in a friendly and fun environment. 

Progression from Junior Squad may be into our Junior Performance Squad, for swimmers showing the most aptitude for competitive swimming. We use times at galas to select swimmers for Junior Performance and expect swimmers to have a great attitude towards their training.  

Swimmers may also move from Junior Squad into Senior Squad between the ages of 12-13, providing a place train and improve that has less time  and competition demands than our Performance Squads. Many of these swimmers are also achieving County qualification times.